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Parish Details for Tavistock

Tavistock Website

Archdeaconry: Plymouth
Deanery: Tavistock
Benefice: Tavistock, Gulworthy and Brent Tor
Mission Community: Tavy

Clergy in the parish

The Rev Dr Hazel Butland

Tel: 01822 811045
Email The Rev Dr Hazel Butland

The Rev Judith Blowey
Assistant Priest of Tavistock, Gulworthy and Brent Tor

Higher Woodley Farm, Sydenham Damerel, Tavistock, PL19 8QU
Tel: 01822 832374
Email The Rev Judith Blowey

The Rev Dr Hazel Butland

Tel: 01822 811045
Email The Rev Dr Hazel Butland

Churches in the parish

St. Eustachius (Parish Church)
PL19 0BA

Parish officers


Ms Pam Hunter
Tel: 01822 616673
Email Ms Pam Hunter

Mrs Catherine Stoate
Tel: 01822 616673
Email Mrs Catherine Stoate

Ms Pam Hunter
Tel: 01822 616673
Email Ms Pam Hunter

Mrs Catherine Stoate
Tel: 01822 616673
Email Mrs Catherine Stoate

PCC Secretary

Mrs Christine Everitt
Tel: 01822 616673
Email Mrs Christine Everitt

PCC Treasurer

Mr James Teague
Tel: 01822 616673
Email Mr James Teague


Mrs Wendy Roderick Hake
Tel: 01566 784721
Email Mrs Wendy Roderick Hake

Mr Christopher Pancheri
Tel: 01822 810285
Email Mr Christopher Pancheri

Mrs Sally Pancheri
Tel: 01822 810285
Email Mrs Sally Pancheri

Mrs Liz Bastin
Tel: 01409211022
Email Mrs Liz Bastin

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