CAPTION: People, including clergy, are being asked to wear a mask in church as a way of protecting those around them

‘Loving our neighbour’ by wearing masks in church

Posted: 23rd July, 2020

Churchgoers in Devon are being strongly encouraged to wear face coverings when attending church services following new guidance from the Church of England.

It follows updated Government guidance encouraging people attending all places of worship to wear face coverings.

It follows a number of recent coronavirus spikes in England which have led to local lockdowns.  It is these which have prompted the Government’s new guidance for places of worship, in tandem with face coverings now being mandatory in shops.

Those in church leadership roles including clergy, Readers, and churchwardens are also being asked to wear face coverings.

Children under 11 do not need to, and there are other exceptions.

Devon’s four archdeacons, who oversee the county’s parishes, said: “Face coverings are a means of protecting others if (unbeknown to us) we are carrying the virus.

“Wearing them is an act of loving Christian service to our neighbour.

“They are also a way of helping people to return to public worship in church with a greater sense of safety provided all the other safeguards are also kept in place.”

The guidance is expected to remain in place for as long as the Government advises it.

The Church of England has also published a new Safer Churches guide to help churches to be as covid-secure as possible.

If you have any questions about this please contact the Diocese of Exeter email.


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