
Pioneer and Fresh Expressions Gathering
Clergy and lay leaders interested in new ways of being and doing church held an informal gathering in Exeter on Monday to hear more about the pioneer and fresh expressions (fx) training opportunities available and to explore forming a network to support, equip and encourage each other. The event was organised by Rev’d Jeremy Putnam, Mission Enabler for the Diocese of Exeter. Speakers included Lindsey Morgan-Lundie, Pioneer Network Facilitator for Truro Diocese and Rev’d Lee Barnes, Advisor for Fresh Expressions for the Diocese of Bristol. Lindsey spoke about the Certificate in Pioneer Ministry, which is a course run by Church Mission Society. She said “The course is brilliant as it helps you understand contextual mission and the cultural changes happening in society.” Lee Barnes said pioneers were called to be “prophetic challengers” and “loyal radicals.” If you would like to know about any more about pioneer and fx training and networking opportunities, please contact Jeremy Putnam.

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