Exploring Christian Spirituality and Spiritual Accompaniment Course
This course is open to members of any Christian denomination who seek to grow in their own spirituality and to enable others to do likewise.
Aims and Objectives
To equip and support those seeking to accompany others on their Christian journey on an individual basis, or in a congregational setting. The first year is intended for all those who are involved or wish to be involved in the spiritual life of their church community. The option to continue to the second year will be for those who wish to offer spiritual accompaniment (see below).
First year:
- To explore spirituality through the wisdom and traditions of the Christian Church from biblical times to the present day.
- To develop skills in listening to one another and to God.
- To explore how insights gained can be used in different settings.
Second year:
To develop gifts, already discerned, in accompanying others and to equip people in the task of individual accompaniment by
- gaining further understanding of the spiritual journey and the difficulties that may be encountered.
- increasing knowledge of the process of spiritual accompaniment – boundaries, accountability, contract and review, interface with counselling, confidentiality and the development of reflective practice.
- growing in self-awareness.
Please note that entry into the second year is for a smaller number and is not automatic but subject to a separate application process.
Spiritual Accompaniment September 2023
Applications are now open for the one year training course in Spiritual Accompaniment, starting in September 2023. The information and application form can be accessed here. Applications must be submitted by the 30 June 2023. Please pass this on to any who may be called to this valuable ministry and join the growing network of spiritual directors in the diocese and region. If you have any questions about the course please email David Runcorn.