
“We are all called as disciples of Jesus to use our gifts for God’s purposes and here you can work out what that looks like for you.” Hannah Mears, Vocations Development Officer

Have you ever had the feeling that God is calling you? Calling you to use your gifts and skills for his kingdom? Calling you to a new role in the workplace, church or community? Or perhaps He is calling you to licensed or ordained ministry?

If so, you are in the right place!

A Lifelong Calling

Every Christian has a lifelong vocation to Christian Discipleship. A calling to follow Christ through lives bearing witness to the love, truth and beauty of God. We express this in lots of different ways – through our home lives, our involvement in the community, our secular work and our contribution to the life of the Church.

Some Christians have a calling to offer a particular ministry within the life of the Church. This might be formal or informal, licensed or unlicensed, ordained or non-ordained. It could be something like pastoral visiting, evangelism or youth work within your own local church or mission community. Or it could be becoming part of a religious community. Or a licensed role such as that of a Reader, Deacon or Priest.

Maybe you’ve felt this sense of calling for a long time. Maybe you’ve been trying to ignore it or shrugged it off. Maybe you’ve been thinking it couldn’t possibly be you because you’ve believed that your age, education background or disability would preclude you from this type of ministry. If that’s the case, please know that God calls all sorts of people to ministry!

The Vocations team at the Diocese of Exeter are here to help you explore your calling, and are available to meet with people who would like to talk over their vocation.  Rev Hannah Mears is the Diocesan Vocations Development Officer. If you would like to meet with someone to explore your sense of calling further, please get in touch with Hannah – details below – who will be able to refer you to a Vocations Adviser in your part of the Diocese.

Hannah runs regular ‘Exploring Vocations’ days for anyone who would like some time to reflect on Vocation and learn about next steps. Go to the Events page for details of forthcoming event

Please listen Hannah Mears’ Pause for Thought which she did on BBC Radio Devon

You can read more about exploring different types of ministry by clicking the links below:

Vocations Development Officer:

Revd Hannah Mears Email Hannah

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