New Racial Justice Strategy and Charter for Diocese of Exeter
A new racial justice charter and strategy has been approved by the Diocese of Exeter’s synod.
The legislative body for the Church of England in Devon voted in favour of the charter following a report presented by the Rev’d Tanya Hockley-Still, the diocese’s UK Minority Ethnic (UKME) Advisor.
The charter includes a recognition that racism is a deep-seated issue in society and that it is important for the Diocese to “deal with racism on its own door-step” if it is to “embrace and celebrate diversity.”
The charter also includes the following anti-racism statement:
“Racism and other forms of discrimination are wholly incompatible with Jesus’s command that we ‘love one another’ (John 15:12) and his promise of ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). As part of our Diocesan Vision and Strategy, we commit ourselves to being actively anti-racist. We recognise that we have significant opportunities in our network of mission communities and organisations to combat racism in all its guises and build a better future for all.”
The charter draws on the Church of England’s From Lament to Action report and includes practical steps to tackle racism and improve diversity, including improving: the diversity of participation in church life, education, training and mentoring and addressing history and memory.
The full charter and strategy will be published shortly.
Presenting the charter to the Diocesan Synod, Rev’d Hockley-Still, who has UKME heritage, said “Racism does happen.
“I grew up in Plymouth and it does happen here [in Devon].
“The experience of racism that people have stays with them throughout their lives.”