Parish Toolkit for Safeguarding
Parish Toolkit for Safeguarding
The Parish Safeguarding Toolkit is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for parishes seeking to quickly implement their safeguarding responsibilities. The most useful items you will need to get started can be found here, with links to other sections of the Safeguarding Resources pages as required.
Registering/Changing your Parish Safeguarding Representative:
Parish Safeguarding Representatives undertake key responsibilities so please keep us updated whenever your parish appoints a new person to this role so we can make keep in touch with them. Following a decision by BSM, the role of Parish Safeguarding Representative now requires all new post holders to have a Basic DBS check carried out prior to appointment, unless the post holder is eligible for an Enhanced DBS check for another role that they carry out.
Please complete the Change of Parish Safeguarding Representative Form and email it to us so we can contact the new rep with information about their role. Please provide your new Parish Safeguarding Rep with a role description.
- National Parish Safeguarding Representative Welcome Pack
- National Parish Safeguarding Representative Group Information
- Change of Parish Safeguarding Representative Form
- Role Description – Parish Safeguarding Representative
Registering/Changing your Parish DBS Evidence Checker:
Parish DBS Evidence Checkers are integral to your Safer Recruitment procedures. More information about their role can be found on the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) page. They will facilitate DBS checks in your parish by establishing which roles require DBS checks, inviting those who need them to commence the online process, checking each applicants ID and completing the DBS application online.
New Parish DBS Evidence Checkers will need to be registered both with the Diocese and Thirtyone:eight before they can start undertaking DBS checks. Please complete the Exeter Evidence Checker Recruiter Registration Form (below) to commence this process and email it to us. Please provide the new Parish DBS Evidence Checker with a role description (below). Detailed information for Parish DBS Evidence checkers can be found on the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) page and should be accessed prior to commencing DBS checks.
Accessing your Parish Safeguarding Dashboard:
The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard online tool has been designed to make it easier for churches to manage their safeguarding requirements. It is free for parishes to register, update and use and enables parishes to work through each requirement, producing an audit or report instantly. To register your parish to use the Safeguarding Dashboard, just email us with the name, role title and email address of the people being nominated as the owner or viewers of your parish’s dashboard, including the name of the parish dashboard you need access to. Further information about the Safeguarding Dashboard can be found in the Parish Safeguarding Dashboard webpage.
National Safeguarding Standards and Quality Assurance Framework:
The National Safeguarding Standards and Quality Assurance Framework have been developed to create a mechanism for answering the question “How good is our safeguarding activity?” The standards are considered essential for the Church to understand the quality and, most importantly, the impact of its safeguarding activity. In addition, the Standards provide a simple construct which integrates the complexity of all safeguarding activity in the Church. All such activities, at all levels across the Church, will relate to at least one Standard. The standards will slowly be implemented across parishes over the next three years and will eventually be embedded within the Parish Safeguarding Dashboards. Please ensure you display the poster and share the booklet and/or leaflet with the PCC, who will be required to ensure the parish follows these standards.
- National Safeguarding Standards – Parish Poster
- National Safeguarding Standards – Parish Booklet
- National Safeguarding Standards – Parish leaflet
Essential Parish Safeguarding Guidance:
The following three Church of England policy and guidance documents have been approved by the House of Bishops and must, where relevant, be followed by all Church Bodies and Church Officers. More national policy and guidance can be found in the Safeguarding Policies and Guidance section of the Safeguarding webpages.
- Parish Safeguarding Handbook
- Safer Environment and Activities
- Code of Safer Working Practice
- National Church Templates and Resources
Essential Parish Safeguarding Templates:
- Safeguarding Incident or concern reporting Form: Please use this form for reporting all safeguarding concerns and incidents to us.
- Parish Responding to Safeguarding Allegations or Concerns Procedure (Template): Every PCC must have a procedure in place to deal promptly with safeguarding allegations or concerns. This template helpfully localises the national and diocesan guidance.
- Parish Safeguarding Policy Statement (Template): Your parish is advised to adopt this template policy statement.
- Parish Safeguarding Policy (Template): Your parish is advised to adopt this template policy statement.
- Parish Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy (Template): Your parish is advised to adopt this template policy statement.
- Parish Safeguarding Contacts Poster (Template): Please use and display this proforma safeguarding contacts poster which can be updated with your local details.
- Parish Church Building Lettings Safeguarding Statement (Template): This is an addendum to add to lettings forms to cover safeguarding responsibility when church premises are hired.
- Parish Social Media Policy (Template): This policy template can be adapted with your church/parish details.
- PCC Use of photographs of children policy (template) Policy for the Safe Use of Children’s Photographs.
Additional Helpful Documents and Tools:
- Working and volunteering safely with children and young people: A helpful guide to assist all those working with children and young people.
- NSPCC PANTS & Pantosaurus resources: A range of resources to help start the conversation to keep children safe from abuse.
- Examples of Activity Risk Assessments: These assessment templates are not suitable for use without editing, but are a starting point for you to tailor to fit your local context.
- Model Registration Form – Activities and Trips: A registration form must be completed for every child or young person who attends groups or activities in your church and should include up-to-date information on parents’ contact numbers, medical information (e.g. allergies) and any special needs.
- Guidance on safeguarding whilst using videoconferencing platforms for ministry: This guidance is useful for any churches who deliver online services or groups.