Grants and Funding

Our buildings can be costly to maintain and adapt, but there are a variety of sources of funding available for both repairs and alterations. Grants available currently for fabric repairs (among other works) are:

  1. Net Zero Carbon “Quick Wins”
  2. “Minor Repairs and Improvements”

For guidance on other possible sources of grant funding, and the VAT situation for church buildings, please see ‘Other sources of grant funding’ below.

1  “Quick Wins” grants – helping churches on the path to net zero

UPDATE 12th November 2024

Our Quick Wins Grant fund is currently at capacity. New applications may be put in a reserve list to be considered if funds become available.

The Diocese of Exeter has been allocated £68,850 to support churches in carrying out small projects to reduce their carbon emissions. The Quick Wins scheme is part of The Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme.

PCCs can apply for grants of up to £5,000 to help fund projects such as new LED lighting, underpew heaters, or upgrading electricity supplies (applications for up to £10,000 are possible in exceptional circumstances). The first step in making a building more energy efficient is to ensure its in good repair, so some minor building repairs are also eligible for funding, such as roofs, rainwater goods and windows. If you require a larger grant or would like to take a more flexible approach to funding your Net Zero goals, or if you would like the chance to set up digital giving for your church, we recommend the Give 2 Go Green programme.

It is recommended that PCCs complete the Energy Footprint Tool and the checklist for the Practical Path to Net Zero Carbon, to help identify the most appropriate actions for their church building. Further information and support on reaching Net Zero is available here. We recommend that any church interested in this grant should sign up for Eco Church and get their work towards the protection of the natural world recognised with Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Click here for more information about Eco Church.

All work must be completed by 31 December 2025.

Please contact the Church Buildings Office for further information, or to discuss eligible works.

Your guide to projects eligible for Quick Wins grant

Quick Wins Parish Application Form

2  Minor Repairs and Improvement grants fund

UPDATE 30th October 2024

Our Minor Repairs & Improvements Grant fund is currently at capacity. New applications may be put in a reserve list to be considered if funds become available.

Exeter Diocese has been allocated £202,500 from the Church Commissioners 2023-25 triennium funding for church building grants targeted at supporting the most deprived parishes in the Diocese.

The focus is on urgent repairs, including ‘stitch in time’ projects which can save money in the long term. The Diocese has identified roofs and above ground drainage as priorities. Small-scale improvements that are essential to sustaining worship are also eligible. For a full list of works that qualify for funding see here.

There is a £10,000 maximum grant available for a listed church, which can claim back VAT, or £12,000 for a non-listed church. All work must be completed within a year of the offer date, or by 31 December 2025, whichever is the sooner.

The Fund is intended to target need, based on the Diocesan Common Fund Index of Multiple Deprivation. Applications are currently welcome from parishes that fall within Bands D-K. This will be expanded on 1 June 2024, to include parishes within Band C (Bands D-K will remain eligible). To find out which band your parish falls into see here.

Download an application form here: Minor Repairs and Improvements Grant Application Form.

Download additional guidance here: Minor Repairs and Improvements Grant Guidance.

Other sources of grant funding

The Church Grants database
Provided for churches in Devon (paid for by Exeter Diocese Board of Finance)
Search this site for specific grants available to churches in Devon. You will need your parish’s code which your treasurer should have or contact

Funding for Church Building Projects
Last updated February 2020

There is also lots of useful information and a national funding/grants list on the Parish Resources website.

Friends of churches

Many churches now have a ‘Friends’ Group – an organisation that exists to support the church building itself, and can help with fundraising for repairs and improvements to the building. Such a group can either be a sub-committee of the PCC, or an independent charity. Information on setting a group up, and the issues to consider when doing this can be found on the following websites:

Growing the Rural Church – Setting up a Friends Group & Toolkit

Parish Resources

National Churches Trust

Diocese of London

The Diocesan Building Fund

The purpose of the Building Fund is to support Mission Communities and parishes in support of the Moving on in Growth agenda by providing funds to enable:

1.   The review and rationalisation of a Mission Community’s building stock*

2.   The re-ordering of church buildings (both consecrated and non-consecrated) to better provide for church and/or community use

3.   The repair and improvement of church buildings including heating systems

Full details of eligible works and criteria can be found here: Assets Group Diocesan Building Fund 2019

and the application form for a loan under this Fund can be found here.

*If you are interested in carrying out a feasibility study with regard to priority 1 above (the review and rationalisation of your Mission Community’s building stock), please contact either Nigel Pratt (01392 294944) for further details and an application form.


Guidance on VAT grants

Since the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme was changed in October 2012, claims made for eligible works to church buildings are guaranteed to be paid at 100% of the VAT spent. For more information see or phone 0845 013 6601.

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