Parish returns

At various points throughout the year parishes are asked for information. Some requests, like Statistics for Mission, are used both locally and nationally to inform future development. Others, like Parish Finance and the parish accounts, are part of our joint statutory obligations, while the Archdeacons’ Articles of Enquiry help to identify areas where we can offer help. The requests outlined below are those which occur every year and hopefully will give you a good overview of what might be expected and when. Alternatively if you prefer a shorter checklist you can download and print the Information Checklist here. Many of the forms mentioned can also be downloaded from the Documents area of the diocesan website

Statistics for Mission
Archdeacons’ Articles of Enquiry
Electoral Roll Form
Parochial Church officers (blue form)
Parish Finance Form and a copy of the Parish Accounts
Participant form

Statistics for Mission

These questions are set by the national church and ask for details on church attendance and the various services that are held throughout the year. These are sent out to PCC secretaries each September for completion by end January. These can be completed online using the parish returns website or can be returned to Hannah Cross at the Old Deanery. If you would like access to the online system please email Hannah Cross.

Archdeacons’ Articles of Enquiry

These are sent out to churchwardens roughly in February for completion in March. They should be completed by churchwardens, preferably with the knowledge and agreement of their PCCs and incumbent, and returned to the Archdeacon.  They help to identify areas where help or training might be useful.

For Electoral Roll certificates and Annual Parochial Church Meeting documents please click:

Parochial Church Officer information

In order to ensure that we that the information which we hold about key people within a parish is up to date, we undertake an annual data gathering process following the election of PCC officers at Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCM). In the past, this information has normally been provided on the ‘blue’ Parochial Officers forms.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we introduced a simplified process of collecting information, and have taken the decision to continue with an electronic system to make it easier for parishes to update their information. The data collection forms are available online, and the links are sent out from the Archdeacons’ offices, usually to the Parish Secretary. For new officers, a follow up email is then sent, which allows them to confirm their data preferences for our website. It is important that all information is provided as soon as possible after APCMs and would ask that the initial Parish form is completed no later than 30 June.

Email The Archdeacon of Barnstaple’s Office

Email The Archdeacon of Exeter’s Office

Email The Archdeacon of Plymouth’s Office

Email The Archdeacon of Totnes’ Office

Parish Finance Form and a copy of the Parish Accounts

The parish finance forms form part of the year end process and should be completed from the PCC Annual Report and Financial Statements once they have been approved by the PCC.  The Return of Parish Finance can be completed online (using the same website as the Statistics for Mission data) or a copy sent to the Deanery Treasurer. The Parish Accounts are also returned to your Deanery Treasurer (unless otherwise advised). The submission of the Annual Report and Financial Statements is a statutory requirement and help us to fulfil our oversight obligations given that most churches are considered as excepted charities by the Charities Commission.

Participant form

These are sent out to PCC treasurer in May for completion by the end of June and are usually returned to the Rural Dean unless otherwise advised. This information is used in the calculation of common fund.

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