Communications and Engagement Team

We run the diocese website and social media channels, an e-newsletter Roots & Shoots, compile a monthly prayer diary and publish an annual report.

We can provide media training, including social media and broadcast training for your church. The national Church of England Media Centre also has loads of great advice for making the most of your church communications, visit Digital Labs for useful resources.

The Team:

Chloe Axford, Communications and Engagement Director
01392 294905 or 07889523776
Email Chloe


Grace Stanhope, Communications and Engagement Officer: Website, Marketing and Publications 
01392 294904 or 07399937725
Email Grace

Who do I call?

For media requests or help dealing with a call from the media and out-of-hours urgent media assistance please contact Chloe on 01392 294905 or 07889 523776. If you are unable to get hold of Chloe please contact one of the four Archdeacons or the National Church of England Press Office

If you need to add or amend an entry on our database, please email our Database Changes team.

Publications and News Stories

If you would like to contribute a story for our website or Roots & Shoots newsletter, or have an event you would like us to report on, please email the Communications Team.

Useful resources

Communication and Engagement Guidelines for churches

Church of England Digital Labs

Guidance on copyright

Safeguarding guidance for churches using video conferencing as part of their ministry

Welcome Guide: We have created a Diocese of Exeter welcome guide which includes key information about the diocese and who to contact.

Glossary of Words The Church of England uses some titles and terminology which can seem baffling if you don’t know what they mean. While we aim to write and speak in plain English, we have also put together a useful Glossary of church words to help you know your prebendary from your venerable etc.

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