General Election 2024

This page will be regularly updated with helpful resources for individuals and churches in the lead up to the General Election on the 4 July 2024.

Pray Your Part: Get involved with the General Election
In the run-up to the General Election and the campaign period, the Church of England is inviting everyone to join them in praying for the nation and playing your part as citizens and voters. The Church of England has created an accompanying Pray Your Part daily election reflection, which will be available for three weeks in the run up to the Election Day on the the 4 July 2024. This will be available as a booklet, in audio form for smart speakers, through social media and via email. To sign up to receive the reflections via email, click here. 

Click here to read the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York’s official statement for the General Election.

How Can Churches Engage with the General Election?

In this video, Chloe Axford, Diocesan Director of Communications and Engagement, shares some ideas about how churches can engage with the General Election during the campaign and on polling day. Chloe previously worked in Westminster for ITN and as a political producer for BBC South West.

66 Politics: Touring Through the Bible 
Christians in Politics and the Bible Society have created a free booklet for individuals and churches who want to explore what influence the Bible should or could have in our lives during the General Election season.  Click here to read the free booklet.

Watch and share this new video from Christians in Politics, which explores how the Bible, politics and culture work together…