
Once you have decided that you wish to employ someone it is important to have a plan in place to make sure that not only do you appoint someone but that you appoint the right someone! Take time over it, even if you want someone to start immediately. Also, read through this Safer Recruitment Policy, which will help.

1.Establish requirements for the post by writing a Job Description and Person Specification for the role.

    1. A Job Description sets out a summary of the role, the tasks required, whether there is any line management responsibility, or any DBS requirement.
    2. A Person Specification states the ‘essential’ and ‘desirable’ criteria that an individual will need to be selected. But be aware of the legislation involved and how to avoid discrimination. There is an ACAS guide that will help you to understand what this may mean for you.

2.Budget for costs – this isn’t just a salary or an hourly rate, but oncosts such as pension contributions and national insurance, and working costs such as IT and office equipment, heating and lighting.

  1. Advertise the role
  2. Shortlist applicants. It is often useful to use a scoring mechanism based on the essential and desirable criteria set out in the person specification. A small panel of people undertaking this is much better than just one person.

3.Interview and test the applicants if that is appropriate (eg, if recruiting for an administrator you might ask them to put together a weekly bulletin).

  1. Offer role subject to pre-employment checks.
  2. Take references, check right to work in the UK, safeguarding checks including DBS
  3. Issue a contract

Please find links below to various templates, useful in the recruitment process that might be adapted for your own requirements, along with further guidance.

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