Local Mission

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19

Jesus said ‘come and see’ and ‘follow me,’ inviting people on a journey to discover who God is, why and how he can be ‘Good News’ to everyone who believes in him. Today as God’s people have always done, we too share in Jesus’ commission to be Good News and make new disciples.

The Apostle Paul writes: ‘ Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ’ and the Apostle Peter encourages us to be prepared to  Give a reason for the hope you share.

This resources section is to share some ideas and sign post you to useful and accessible tools to help you and your church family live out the call of Jesus, growing up in faith and going out to share our faith. Where possible website links are shown.

Please contact me or another member of Mission & Ministry Department if you’d like to discuss any of the resources we’ve highlighted, ‘try before you buy’, arrange a meeting, or with a request  to spend time with your mission community, church or network.

Mission and Ministry Department: Find out Who are we and what do we do…


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