Admissions and Appeals

School admissions are governed by statutory policy via the School Admissions Code so it’s important to get it right.  Exeter Diocesan Board of Education can offer generalist and specialist support for school admissions and appeals for Church of England schools across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay.

Our expert team work closely with schools that use co-ordinated admissions through the Local Authority (LA) as well as those that run their own admissions panels. Whatever your query, we can usually help!

Church of England Schools within the Diocese of Exeter are eligible for basic admissions support as part of our core services. Additional services may be purchased as part of our annual service level agreement, or on a ‘pay as you go’ basis. Please see our Services to Schools page to find out more.

An overview of admissions

The majority of Church of England Schools were established in the 19th Century to provide education for ‘the poor of the Parish’ and to offer a distinctively Christian education to all those who desire it, being inclusive of those of all faiths and of none.

There is a statutory duty to act in accordance with the relevant provisions of the School Admissions Code and the School Admissions Appeals Code when setting admission arrangements and it is the responsibility of the admission authority to ensure compliance with the codes.

The governing body is the admissions authority for VA and foundation schools and the academy trust for academies. There is a statutory duty to act in accordance with the relevant provisions of the School Admissions Code and the School Admissions Appeals Code when setting admission arrangements and it is the responsibility of the admission authority to ensure compliance with the codes

Objections to admission arrangements can be made to the Schools Adjudicator whose decisions are binding on the admission authority and it will be up to that authority to implement those decisions.

Admission arrangements must be fair, clear and objective and easy for parents to understand. All admission authorities must consult for at least 8 weeks between November 1st and March 1st if there are any changes to the admission arrangements. When there are no changes it is only necessary to consult once every 7 years.

Regardless of any changes all admission authorities must determine their admission arrangements by 15th April each year and notify the Local Authority by 1st May each year. The arrangements will also need to be posted onto the website following determination.

The Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) recommends that governing bodies must consider the admissions arrangements on an annual basis at the start of the new academic year. This includes agreeing on the published admission number (PAN) for the school. There is not a requirement to consult on an increase in PAN but the Local Authority must be notified. However, there must be consultation if there is a proposed decrease in PAN.

The governing body must consult in the first instance and on an annual basis with the Exeter Diocesan Board of Education (EDBE) on all admissions arrangements and supplementary information forms.

The governing body must consult in the first instance and on an annual basis with the Exeter Diocesan Board of Education (EDBE) on all admissions arrangements and supplementary information forms. All admissions arrangements are required to be sent by 1st October to allow sufficient time for responses to be sent before a wider statutory consultation.

Training for admissions and appeals is offered throughout the year. We recommend that all governors involved in admissions attend training. Please contact the EDBE to discuss bespoke training which we can deliver to your school. A model policy and supplementary information form is available on request.

Useful Admissions Links and Resources:

Admission and Appeal Guidance for own admission authorities – Voluntary Aided and Foundation Schools and Academies:

Key Contact:

Christina Mabin, Diocesan Education Adviser
Tel: 01392 294 939
Mobile: 07966 652587
Email: Christina Mabin

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