Learn Teach Lead RE Programme

Learn, Teach, Lead RE (LTLRE) is a cross-phase (primary and secondary) programme of professional development for teachers of RE (including HLTAs)  at all stages of their careers. It is organised through local hub meetings and an annual area conference, with termly training for hub leaders. Details of steering groups, funding arrangements, conferences and meetings are posted on the LTLRE website.

The aim is for each hub to have a primary and a secondary lead. Each hub holds a termly twilight meeting to offer training and sharing sessions, supporting the needs of teachers in the locality. These are led or facilitated by the hub leaders, but may draw on external speakers of visitors. A subsidised annual conference provides an additional opportunity for CPD support.

The role of the hub leader is to facilitate termly meetings, with the support of the LTLRE steering group. The teacher’s school agrees to support this role and agrees to enable the hub leader to attend two training days per year (supply cover paid), and to attend the annual conference.

To find out more and connect with your local hub see the latest RE Newsletter or contact Education Team.

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