School Organisation
There are 134 Church of England schools within the Diocese of Exeter
- 78 are Academies (including – 1 MAT with only one school within it)
- 32 are in Federation groupings
- 24 are stand-alone maintained schools
The Exeter Diocesan Education Network (EDEN) was formed to act as a Member to protect the Christian Foundation of church schools in Academy Trusts. EDEN has its own Articles of Association and Directors who meet three times a year. EDEN delegates some responsibilities to the EDEN Committee. The EDEN Committee meets monthly during term time to discuss decisions that are brought to EDEN through EDEN representatives and include the appointment of directors and changes to Trust articles.
The Diocesan Board of Education Committee (DBE) is made up of representatives including the Bishop, a Clerk in Holy Orders elected by the Synod, lay persons, persons elected by the Bishop and others with experience in education and the Board’s work including Headteachers of schools within Exeter Diocese. DBE meet a minimum of three times a year and review the DBE strategy, achievement, leadership and mission.
The DBE has committees who review school organisation, governance and standards and ethos. The Committees are:
Standards and Ethos Group (SEG) – this group monitors educational performance within Church schools, effectiveness of the achievement and mission strands of the EDBE Strategic Plan, and provides advice and guidance on behalf of the EDBE with regard to implementing standards related interventions as set out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the National Society and the Department for Education (April 2016). It is made up of representatives from the Diocese as well as school headteachers and leaders and Governors and meets monthly.
Schools Organisation and Governance Group (SOGG) – SOGG meets on a monthly basis to consider all schools organisational changes, the appointment of foundation governors and school admission arrangements. SOGG was established by the EDBE to work towards these aims by ensuring that high quality and distinctively Christian education provision is established, fostered and maintained in perpetuity at all existing and future Church of England schools/academies in the Diocese of Exeter. It is made up of representatives from the Diocese as well as school headteachers and leaders and Governors and meets monthly.
Growing Faith Opportunities Group (GFG) – GFG meets termly and its primary function is to review and monitor the effectiveness of the ‘Schools are a central part of the diocesan mission’ priority on the DBE Strategic Plan. They encourage, support and challenge the Educational Team and wider diocesan staff, to promote greater CYP and families’ engagement through strengthening collaborations between church and school including exploring ways to share good practice. The GFG works with promoting the Growing Faith Foundation and works with officers to promote evidence-informed practice in strengthening relations between church, schools and households.
Resources and Assets Group (RAG) – RAG meets termly and reviews the finances and finance related matters of the DBE Committee, working with officers from the Education Team and Property Services department.