Search for over 100 new volunteer governors for Devon’s CofE schools

Posted: 7th January, 2020

The Church of England in Devon has launched a recruitment drive to find over 100 volunteers to be governors in schools, academies and Multi Academy Trusts in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay.

It has released a new video featuring children from Trinity Church of England Primary School in Exeter as part of its Be A Governor social media campaign to find new faces to help steer the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the 133 Church of England schools and academies in Devon.

The Right Reverend Jackie Searle, Bishop of Crediton, has been both a parent governor and a governor when she was a vicar. She said “Having been a governor at different schools I know how vital governors are to school life and what a rewarding role it can be.”

“You feel like you’re making a contribution to children’s education and I don’t think there’s anything more worthwhile than that.” Brenda Steel, School Governor

One of the key aims of the Church of England in Devon is to “Serve people with joy” and Bishop Jackie said “Being a governor is a really practical way anyone over 18 can serve their local community with joy and make a real difference in children’s lives.”

Brenda Steel has volunteered as a governor for over 30 years

John Searson, Diocese of Exeter Director of Education, said “We have many excellent existing governors but our schools collectively have a large number of vacancies to fill.

“Governors are critical to our family of schools. Being a governor offers the opportunity to lead, serve and develop and we know that it can be a deeply rewarding experience, which makes a real impact on experiences and outcomes for children and young people.

“We want to attract skilful governors from all walks of life to reflect the diverse communities we serve and I would encourage anyone who wants to explore this possibility to get in touch.”

Brenda Steel, from south Devon, who has been a school governor for over 30 years, said: “Everyone is valuable to education and there’s nothing more valuable than being a governor. You feel like you’re making a contribution to children’s education and I don’t think there’s anything more worthwhile than that.”

Volunteer governors do not need to be parents and they do not need to have experience of education, they just need to be over 18, value Church of England education and share a passion for making schools the best they can be.

For more information about how to volunteer and what it involves please visit our Be A Governor webpage or Twitter: @BeAGovernor or call our Education Team: 01392 294939


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