CAPTION: The pool can be used for child or adult baptisms

Swimming Pool Mission

Posted: 14th February, 2020

Sampford Peverell Team Mission Community have developed mission around swimming by providing a space for a swimming pool toddler group, plus a venue for child and adult baptisms.

Steph Packham, who owns the pool, said: “I live in a community where faith is very much alive, but traditional church services are not meeting the needs of the majority of our families with young children.

“I really believe that it is time to get creative – we need to find ways to meet people where they are on their faith journey in a modern way.

“Being in a swimming pool is lovely, but when you then add in Bible stories and prayer it really is something special.

“The setting will really help to bring Bible stories to life – plus it’s a lot of fun too.”

Overtly Christian in its nature, Aqua Bears and Prayers Toddler Group provides an opportunity for pre-schoolers and their parent / carer to hear Bible stories, sing worship songs and pray together.

The swimming pool can also be used for child and adult baptisms in a range of different formats. Talking to parents the team realised some families were uncomfortable with the promises they and Godparents are asked to make during a traditional baptism service.

There will, therefore, be a range of options for families to choose from. These will include traditional church Baptisms, Naming and Dedication services and full immersion Baptisms in a pool. Liturgy for each type of service will be tailored accordingly.

For more information click here or email Clare Cooke.


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