CAPTION: Barry Dugmore

Thank God it’s Monday?

Posted: 20th February, 2019

The theme for this year’s Mission Shed Central is ‘Thank God it’s Monday’ / #TGIM . The event on 6 April at St Andrews Church Cullompton is all about exploring what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in our everyday lives not just on Sundays at church.

The keynote speakers will include Bishop Jackie, the Bishop of Crediton,  Ros Turner from Transforming work and Father Simon Cuff from St Mellitus College. There will also be a number of practical workshops for people to take part in.

Rev Barry Dugmore, the Diocesan Mission Enabler, is the man organising Mission Shed Central. He says: “It will focus on the growing disciples aspect of our diocesan vision.

“We have a great day planned including workshops on grass roots and whole life discipleship, faith sharing for all, a ‘creative’ networking session and stories from the street (developing a vision for mission).”

Mission Shed Central is for any ordained or lay leader, those in volunteer teams, small group leaders, and individuals in a mission community who want to be encouraged and inspired to grow in faith and find out more about their call to be part of a local church that can share real hope that transforms lives and communities.

Last year around 90 people took part. This year Rev Dugmore says he’s hoping for at least 150.

The event is free and includes lunch. Please go to our events page for a poster and to book your place.


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