Mission Community Health Check

The Mission Community Healthy Check is a tool designed to help you measure the ‘health’ of your parish and mission community.

It is an online questionnaire which has been specially devised for churches in the Diocese of Exeter using proven research methods.

It collates feedback from both your church members and wider community to provide an accurate picture of your church’s ‘health’ in areas like mission and discipleship, safeguarding or stewardship and engagement with children and families.

An advisor from the Diocese will then analyse the results with you to help you decide what your focus over the next few years should be.

The Health Check is part of our Next Steps vision and is based on the idea that a flourishing church is like a healthy vine:

  • a healthy vine has deep roots
  • a healthy vine is growing
  • a healthy vine bears good fruit
  • a healthy vine is good for its environment
  • a healthy vine needs to be pruned and trellised
  •  healthy vine is part of a vineyard.

The survey will highlight where your mission community is flourishing, and which areas some support might be beneficial, much like the tending of a vine.

We are looking for 30 mission communities to do the Health Check in 2023. 

To learn more about the Mission Community Health Check and to see if it’s something your mission community may benefit from, please read the document here.

To Book the Health Check for Your Mission Community please email Dr Jon Curtis, from our Mission and Ministry Department

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