CAPTION: People in Devon signed-up to Lent Pilgrim will receive special messages from the Bishop of Exeter

Lent Pilgrim pilot project for Devon

Posted: 1st March, 2019

People in Devon are being asked to take part in a pilot project over Lent, which this year begins on March 6.

The Church of England has developed Lent Pilgrim, 40 days of reflections based on the Beatitudes.

Three churches in Devon are trialling using the App version of Lent Pilgrim for tablet or smartphone. Exeter is one of three dioceses in England taking part in the pilot.

During Lent those signed-up to it in Devon will receive messages of encouragement from the Right Rev’d Robert Atwell, the Bishop of Exeter.

He was also involved in writing the reflections and said: “Lent is a great time for renewing our spiritual life and there can’t be many better texts to engage with than the Beatitudes.

“These pithy sayings of Jesus speak to our hearts and expand our imaginations about what it means to be a Christian disciple today.

“I really hope you will sign-up, read, reflect and let God’s spirit do the rest.”

In the Bible, the Beatitudes is the name given to the eight blessings Jesus shared with people who had gathered to hear him in the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the peacemakers…for they will be called children of God ” etc (Matthew 5:3-12).

Beatitude is from the Latin Beatus, meaning both happy and blessed.

As well as the app, the reflections are also available as a book or daily email.


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