DBE Vision
Nurture Nourish Flourish
To enable all, through the love of God in Jesus Christ, to ‘live life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10b)
The Board of Education and its officers will support our diocesan family of schools in seeking to:
Nurture vision-inspired education
We believe in a vision for education which is deeply Christian, serving the common good. We aim to support our multi-academy trusts, federations and schools as they develop, embed and live out their own Christian vision for the education of the whole person, embracing excellence and academic rigour within the wider framework of spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development. We aim to help schools nurture wisdom, hope, community and dignity in line with the Church of England’s Vision for Education.
Nourish personal and spiritual growth
We aim to support schools in providing a welcoming, inclusive and inspiring education in which all can grow and flourish. We are committed to ensuring that children and young people have a rich experience and understanding of Christianity and the opportunity and encouragement to be spiritually curious, exploring and developing their own worldview. We seek to enable our school communities to grow in prayer, providing invitational pathways to faith and discipleship whilst offering all members of those communities, whatever their personal beliefs, an encounter with Jesus Christ and with Christian faith and practice in the Anglican tradition in a way which enhances their lives.
Enable connected communities that flourish
Schools sit at the heart of our local communities and we aim to support their work with the wider community in serving the people of Devon with joy and making a difference in the world. We seek to develop strong, vibrant and sustainable partnerships between schools, homes, and local churches which celebrate diversity, honour human rights, encourage mutual responsibility, and build one another up in love. We aim to help schools become communities of courage, resilience and thankfulness. Taking our part in the mission of the Diocese of Exeter, summed up in our diocesan Vision and offered through Mission Communities as local networks of churches, church schools, chaplaincies, and other forms of Christian community life, we seek to serve the Christian hope for lives and societies transformed and flourishing together in the love of God.
The Board of Education’s vision links with the Diocesan Vision – Pray, Grow, Serve.