
Confirmation is an opportunity to make a public declaration about your faith in Jesus Christ. It is also a way to show that your parish church is your spiritual home, and that you want to play a full part in its life and worship.

Exeter Cathedral choristers confirmed on Advent Sunday

Confirmations are usually joint services between a number of churches in an area, and one of the Bishops in the Diocese of Exeter will lead the service. The service will also include Holy Communion, with the candidates for confirmation receiving their first communion from the Bishop. As part of the service there will often be the chance for a few people to share the story of their journey to faith.

This is a wonderful way of encouraging regular members of the church, and explaining to visitors what a difference Jesus makes to people’s lives.

It is usual for churches who have candidates for confirmation to run a short course explaining the declarations and promises that are made at confirmation. These are often separated into groups for adults and groups for young people.

For those who have been baptised as children, confirmation gives you the chance to ‘confirm’ the promises which were made on your behalf at your baptism. If you haven’t been baptised then there is an opportunity to do this as part of the confirmation service, or on a different occasion before confirmation.

To find out more about confirmation, please speak to the minister of the church which you attend.

Click here to see the scheduled Confirmations in 2024.

Click here to see the scheduled Confirmations in 2025. 


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