CAPTION: From pet blessings to donkey services, school experiences with animals to live nativities, churches in Devon have explored different ways that animals can build connections

Tails of Faith: how animals in ministry can help to draw us into God’s presence

Posted: 26th March, 2025

Churches across Devon have been involving animals as a way of connecting with children and families and the wider community.

Churches across Devon have been exploring how they can use animals in ministry to have an intergenerational effect on children and families, and the positive effect that it can have on wellbeing.

Sharon Blyth, Diocesan Children and Families Mission Enabler, is passionate about involving animals in ministry. She believes that involving them in a variety of ways can not only improve wellbeing, but it can also be missional, build relationships, and deepen faith.

As part of her Masters with the University of Durham, Sharon had written a dissertation on the use of Animals in Ministry.

She said, “I became fascinated in the way that animals can be used in ministry after seeing the power my own dog, Freddie, connects with others.

“Animals can be used in education settings, in therapy, and in ministry.”

A trio of alpacas visited members of the Ashburton Church Memory Cafe

“I was inspired by dogs in schools, donkeys being at church services across the diocese, and the fabulous work with local farms and communities.”

Sharon’s work on her dissertation led her to share her findings in a recent training day. The ‘Animals in Ministry’ session was held both in-person at the Old Deanery in Exeter and in an online webinar.

The session shared the different ways that you can use furry friends to enhance children and families work in churches and with the local community.

In the session, Sharon was joined by Rev’d Claire Curtis.

Clare has a pony called Bertie, whom she includes in her ministry in a number of ways. She often rides him along the Exe Valley, where she lives, meeting locals along the way and praying for the community on her journey to church services.

Rev’d Claire Curtis is an animal lover herself

Bertie the pony was also involved in a church holiday club, where children and families experienced a deeper engagement with the story of Mordecai in the book of Esther, as they brushed and stroked Bertie the pony dressed in royal robes.

Last year, an event aimed at primary school children called ‘Lifepath’ took place. The event told the story of John Wesley, and Bertie the pony played a key role in carrying in the actor of John into St Paul’s Church Garden, much to the children’s delight.

At Christmas time, Claire shared that a live nativity with an assortment of furry friends provided a powerful and multi generational experience for all who attended, including many whom may not normally go to church.

Using animals in ministry can enhance experiences for children and young people, but it can also create safe, calming spaces. Claire said, “During an

The live nativity featured alpacas with knitted humps, who played the role of camels in the Christmas story

Alpha Holy Spirit day, moments of quiet with animals offered a space to process what the group had learnt and prayed for, fostering a profound sense of peace that passes all understanding.”

Claire said, “For some, the gaze of an animal and being seen, became a step towards understanding unconditional love. For others, where words weren’t needed, the simple act of reaching out to touch an animal for the first time was an exercise in trust and confidence.”

“As a child myself when city children came to stay on my parent’s farm, even then I could see the enormous benefit that animals had in naturally drawing us into God’s creative presence, way of being, and love.”

The training session highlighted that involving animals can draw people to our church services and events, and it can also create a sense of excitement and buzz in the community.

Sharon said, “This has been shown through the ways that donkeys have been used in lots of different ways across the diocese.”

Rev’d Hazel Britton, curate at St Disens Church Bradninch,  and her husband Mike have often used their donkey Isacher in a number of church services which reach out to the local community. This includes church services on Palm Sunday and around Christmastime.

Isacher the donkey has visited church services and events across Devon

For churches considering using animals in ministry, Sharon and Claire encourage them.

Sharon said, “Animals can create memories. Many people can remember their first pets, key encounters with animals, and the impact that moments with animals have had on their lives.”

If you would like to hear ideas for using animals in ministry, or you would like to hear more about Sharon’s dissertation, please Sharon.blyth@exeter.anglican.orgemail Sharon Blyth.

Watch the video below where Rev’d Claire Curtis shares about her prayer pony, Bertie.


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