
You can search the diocesan database for parishes and mission communities and to find out contact details for clergy, readers and parish officers, where they have given their permission to be included.

Church Details for St. Olave

Mission Community: Central Exeter
Benefice: Central Exeter
Deanery: Christianity
Archdeaconry: Exeter

Clergy in the Mission Community

The Rev Sheila Swarbrick
SSM Rector of the Central Exeter Mission Community

7 Lower Kings Avenue, Exeter, EX4 6JT
Tel: 01392 438866
Email The Rev Sheila Swarbrick

Church details

St. Olave (Parish Church)

Parish officers


Mrs Betsy Allen
Email Mrs Betsy Allen

Mr Keith Walton
Tel: 01392 364836
Email Mr Keith Walton

PCC Secretary

Mrs Mary Keaney
Email Mrs Mary Keaney

PCC Treasurer

Dr Sean Swarbrick


None listed