CAPTION: Aqua Bears and Prayers is a toddler group in Devon with a difference.

Aqua Bears & Prayers Makes a Splash

Posted: 21st June, 2022

A toddler group with a difference is making a big splash in East Devon.

Aqua Bears and Prayers takes place in a swimming pool in Sampford Peverell and is run by Steph Packham and a team of volunteers.

Each session consists of water confidence play, singing, a Bible story, prayer, and plenty of time for the adults and children to get to know each other.

Aqua Bears and Prayers takes place in a swimming pool in Sampford Peverell

Steph is a churchwarden at St Peter’s church in Uplowman and said the idea for Aqua Bears and Prayers came to her when she noticed the low number of children and families coming to church.

She said: “I just couldn’t believe that the conversation with children and families would be over, I just thought there’s got to be a way to reach out to people where they are on their faith journey.”

Start-up funding for the project was provided by the Diocese of Exeter.

The Bishop of Crediton, the Rt Rev’d Jackie Searle, recently went along to a session. Bishop Jackie said: ”

“I’ve really loved Aqua Bears & Prayers, and it’s amazing seeing the little ones in the pool getting confident but all in the context of hearing these stories about Jesus, it’s a really clever idea and hats off to Steph for her creativity.”

“It’s an encouragement to think what others could do to help children to learn about God and also come together and socialise, it’s absolutely brilliant.”

The Rt. Rev’d Jackie Searle, The Bishop of Crediton, with Steph Packham

Steph has also created a lot of resources and documents on good practice which she hopes will be useful to anyone else who might want to replicate Aqua Bears & Prayers in their community:

“I have spent a lot of time figuring out what you need to make this a replicable model, my dream is that other people can do it.

“It may not be swimming, but whatever it is that you have the skills and gifts to do, I would urge you to just try it and give it a go, it can be incredibly fruitful if you just step out in faith.”

“I’m thrilled that the seed of an idea has turned into a reality and that we’re seeing people coming week after week and hearing all the Good News we’re sharing.”

If you would like to speak to someone about your ideas for ministry to children and families, please email Clare Cooke, the Children and Families Advisor at the Diocese of Exeter.


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