CAPTION: Bishop Robert greets clergy outside Exeter Cathedral after the Chrism service

Clergy Gather at Cathedral Maundy Thursday Chrism Service For First Time in Three Years

Posted: 14th April, 2022

More than 300 clergy and church members from across Devon gathered at Exeter Cathedral for the annual Maundy Thursday Chrism service.

It is the first time it has been able to go ahead with a full congregation for three years because of the pandemic.

At the service it is traditional for bishops and other clergy and licensed lay minsters to renew their ordination vows.

Priests also collect holy oils to use in their parishes for anointing throughout the year.

Rev’d Sue Davies-Fletcher and Rev’d Gudrun Thomas travelled to the Cathedral for the service from their parishes in north and east Devon

At the service, the Bishop of Exeter, the Rt. Rev’d Robert Atwell, said how glad he was to finally see all the clergy gathered together in person rather than “across a crowded Zoom”.

He also thanked for them for their “faithful ministry” during the pandemic and said that “no-one had been unaffected by it”.

During his sermon he said the annual renewal of vows was a chance for church ministers to “recalibrate”.

“Recalibrate your hearts. Keep your heart true to God, because God loves you.

“When you do, all the grace and love and compassion of God will flow through your veins and God will never let you go,” he said.

Afterwards clergy returned to their parishes to prepare for first Easter weekend without covid restrictions since 2019.

Bishop Robert said he was particularly looking forward to being able sing his favourite Easter hymn, Thine Be The Glory.

Read the Bishop of Exeter’s full address here.


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