CAPTION: Exeter Diocese is hoping to help bring at least 50 Ukrainian families to Devon by Easter
Exeter Diocese Working With Citizens UK to Sponsor Ukrainian Refugees to Come to Devon
The Diocese of Exeter is working with the charity Citizens UK to act as a key sponsor in Devon to co-ordinate providing homes for Ukrainian refugees and help ensure ongoing community support.
Around 150 people have already filled-out an expression of interest form saying they would be willing to host a Ukrainian family or individual for at least six months.
Citizens UK is part of the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme and will be working alongside the refugee charity Reset Communities and Refugees.
At the moment the Diocese and other charities are waiting for the Government to announce the exact details and timescale of phase two of Homes for Ukraine, which allows organisations to act as sponsors.

People would be expected to offer accommodation for at least six months
“We continue to pray. We continue to do practical things too.” Nick Shutt, Archdeacon of Plymouth
The individual family sponsorship scheme is already up and running.
The Diocese of Exeter has also been putting guidance and documentation in place to allow its clergy to offer space in their homes if they would like to.
A fundraising page has also been set-up so people can donate towards the transport costs of refugees travelling to Devon.
Any money raised which is not spent on transport will be donated to the DEC and USPG Ukraine appeals.
The Archdeacon of Plymouth, the Venerable Nick Shutt, who is part of a working group co-ordinating the Diocese of Exeter response, said “Within the space of a few days we went from a standing start to hosting an online information webinar for nearly 70 people from across Devon who were all passionate to do what they could to help the people of Ukraine.
“We are building capacity to work with Citizens UK to bring at least 50 Ukrainians to Devon with a target date of Easter.
“This is a practical outpouring of love and compassion to those who are in a desperate situation and it is heart-warming to see such a great response.
“We have the people who are willing to help, Citizens UK have the connections with Ukraine and so, working together, we hope to begin to address the needs of the countless number of displaced people who face the most difficult of times.
“We continue to pray. We continue to do practical things too.”
You can find out more about the project here.
Listen to Nick Shutt talking about Homes for Ukraine on BBC Radio Devon (at 07.15)