New Rural Church Officer appointed to help our rural churches grow
The Diocese of Exeter is building on its Growing the Rural Church project by appointing the county’s first Rural Church Officer and setting-up a new Rural Hub.
The Rev’d Preb Rosie Austin will be working working with churches in North Devon to help them find new ways to minister to the countryside communities they are called to serve.
She will also work with them to address some of the challenges they face around the care of church buildings, fundraising, governance and volunteer engagement.
Rosie, who will also continue to work in her existing role as Rector of the Shirwell Mission Community, says her vision is for the Diocese of Exeter to become a Centre of Excellence for the training and growth of rural mission and ministry.
She said, ‘I am excited to have been appointed as Rural Church Officer for the Diocese, beginning in September. I look forward to getting to know rural churches, which have so much potential to grow and to flourish.’
Rosie said she had been inspired for her new role by the Bible story of the feeding of the 5000, which can be found in John 6.
She said, ‘First, Jesus spotted and named the presenting issue, he sees the crowd following and sees that they are hungry. We too need to name the ‘hunger’ and the difficulties which face rural communities and churches.’
“In the passage the disciples looked around and saw the small boy who was willing to offer his packed lunch.
“We too have resources, both within our churches and communities. My role will allow me to identify what resources are needed to help us thrive and what is already on offer.”
Continuing to draw from the Feeding of the 5000, Rosie said “God worked on the hillside and enough food was gathered and there was even plenty left over to share.
“We already have so many good news stories of God at work which can be shared. Stories of generosity and kindness, and people living out their faith in even the remotest community.
“Having seen first hand some of the difficulties that rural churches are now dealing with, I never fail to be inspired by their desire to grow in faith and witness to Christ.”
‘We want to provide targeted help for Rural Mission Communities, specialised training for people engaged in rural ministry, and to set up a Rural Hub dedicated to supporting the rural church in Devon.’
Initially the Rural Church Officer will be working with churches in North Devon, but the Archdeacon of Barnstaple, the Venerable Verena Breed, wants Mission Communities across the county to benefit as well.
Verena said, ‘once the Rural Hub is up and running, we’ll be seeking to put support networks in place for rural churches throughout Devon.
‘There are many different schemes already underway to support rural ministry in Devon and the new Rural Church Officer will work alongside those, and build connections with other groups and organisations that want the church in rural areas to grow and thrive.’
Rosie will be commissioned to start work in her new role in September.