CAPTION: The service was led by Andrew Beane and filmed on Sidmouth Beach

Stepping Out of the Boat: An Online Service by the Archdeacon of Exeter

Posted: 7th August, 2020

The Archdeacon of Exeter is leading an online service on Sunday 9 August, on the subject of ‘Stepping Out of the Boat.’

The Venerable Andrew Beane, Archdeacon of Exeter, said: “Perhaps we can all think of a time when we have had to take a risk, try something new, a moment when we like Peter in our Gospel Reading have had to ‘step out of the boat’, and trust God as we head out on the choppy waters.  This week we’re exploring how people have followed the call of Jesus to ‘step out’ in faith.”

Rev’d Dr Sue Astbury, filmed the gospel reading on her boat

The service was filmed in Sidmouth and includes testimonies from two Exeter University students, Tracey Voysey who is an ordinand in training and the Rev’d Pete James who will be heading up the new St Basil’s rural church plant. Each of them share their own experiences about times when they have stepped out in faith.

The gospel reading, taken from Matthew, was read by the Rev’d Dr Sue Astbury, filmed from her boat.

The music from the service was specially recorded by the worship band from St Matt’s, Exeter.

The service will go live on the Diocese of Exeter website, on our Youtube channel and on our Facebook page at 1000 on Sunday 9 August.


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