Checklist for Admission Arrangements
1 States that the Governing Body Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority?
2 Sets out the school ethos statement?
3 Informs parents how to make applications for admission through the co-ordinated scheme?
4 States the policy review date?
5 States who and how often Governors will consult on the policy?
6 Sets out clearly the ecclesiastical area defined in the school’s
Trust Deed, which it was set up to serve?
7 Has a list of clear definitions?
8 Sets out clearly the arrangements for admission to a specific year group (e.g. Reception)?
9 Gives deadline for normal application?
10 For children below statutory age, gives details of entitlement to a deferred place?
11 Gives details of arrangements for late applications, and for applications that relate to different year groups?
12 Gives details of maximum class sizes and PAN?
13 States when a decision will be notified?
14 Gives a statement about equality of opportunity and inclusion?
15 States that children with a statement of SEN, which names the school, will be admitted?
16 States contact details for parents?
17 Lists any exceptional circumstances?
18 Gives details of right of appeal?
19 Gives details of a supplementary form?