Bereavement Resources
This page features a range of resources to support children, parents, families and schools during bereavement.
Colleagues from the Diocese of Bath and Wells have produced some ideas to help children and young people explore feelings of loss of all kinds. Read Exploring Loss with Children here.
St Christopher’s Primary Multi Academy Trust has released a Bereavement Policy Guidelines 2020. The model document from Simon Says (including information from Babcock LD’s Critical Information Pack) has been distributed for guidance.
The Church of England has created a resource for schools on ways to support children working through grief bereavement and loss.
Canterbury Diocese has produced a pack to provide guidance to leaders and practical support on how to journey with people through grief.
If you have a bereavement in your parish or local school, a member of the Education Team can help. We can offer support in the short and long term including ideas for services or suitable memorials
If you need to speak to someone from the Education team for support, please see the contact details below:
Urgent enquiries: 01392 294950 (to be diverted to a member of the team)
General enquiries: Email the Education Team