Setting a Vision for the School
The Church of England’s Vision for Education sets out foundational thinking about the importance of Christian involvement in schooling, with the promise by Jesus of ‘life in all its fullness’ at its heart. This is worked out theologically and educationally through four basic elements: wisdom; hope; community; and dignity. It underpins our work together as Church schools nationally.
Vision Statements
All Church of England schools need to have a vision statement. From this statement the governors and school leaders will have derived a mission statement or set of aims for the school. All school policies should relate to the school’s vision. The policies, which the governors should consider for approval, will cover all the major areas of the curriculum and important aspects of the school’s life.
Where schools are part of wider school groupings, e.g. MATs or Federations, the school’s vision statement may be held in common with (or have a specific connection to) a wider statement held across all schools.
This vision statement (and the associated Christian values) needs to be underpinned by a clear theology, rooted in a Christian narrative.
The school’s website should have a section that sets out its vision, values and underlying theology, and show how this is put into practice in the day-to-day life of the school.
It is through the vision, that leaders put in place a school ethos and culture that enables all members of the school community to flourish
The vision in practice
Some key questions:
- Do all members of the school community (pupils, governors, parents etc) know and understand the vision?
- Does the vision drive the priorities and set the expectations of everyone in the school?
- Does the vision encourage wider partnerships and collaboration with local Churches, other schools and faith and community groups?
- Does the vision engender respect for and celebration of differences and diversity?
- Does the vision help pupils to develop curiosity, creativity and a passion for learning?