Holocaust Memorial Day
Theme for 2022: One Day
Holocaust Memorial Day is One Day – 27 January – that we put aside to come together to remember, to learn about the Holocaust, Nazi Persecution and the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, in the hope that there may be One Day in the future with no genocide. We learn more about the past, we empathise with others today, and we take action for a better future.
Programme of events organised by Devon Faith and Belief Forum
Lessons from Rwanda
Wednesday 26 January, 7.30pm
In conversation with Eric Murangwa Eugene, a survivor of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Eric is a former Rwandan international footballer (and national team captain), and a genocide education campaigner and sport for development and peace advocate.
Via Zoom. More information here. Booking here
Public ceremony at Exeter Cathedral
1.00pm on Thurs 27 January 2022
Candle lighting, reflections and prayers
Open to the public, free admission
Live streamed by Exeter Cathedral and available on playback. More information here.
Keeping the Flame Alive
6.00pm Thurs 27 January
Rosemary Schonfeld has written a book called ‘Finding Relly – My Family, the Holocaust, and me’ about how she succeeded in tracing her aunt, who she discovered had survived Auschwitz. Rosemary will elaborate on how she is using the book as an educational tool in raising awareness about the Holocaust and its contemporary relevance, both in schools and for adults.
Via Zoom. More information here. Booking here
Recordings of these talks will be able to be accessed here.
Please contact Ed Pawson at efpawson@gmail.com for further information
See DFBF website for booking information