Training and Development
Click the button above to read Cultivate, and follow the links within the relevant section to complete booking form.
‘Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you’ – 2 Timothy 1:6
A message from Ian Bussell, the Director of Mission and Ministry:
We are all learners, and we never stop learning. We are learning about God, learning about different ministries, learning about ourselves and one another, developing skills such as listening, preaching, leadership, governance and so on. Whoever you are and whatever journey you are on, there is always more to learn. Cultivate is the programme of training and development in the Diocese of Exeter which offers the expertise, the relationships and the experiences to cultivate your gifts and callings.
I’d like to highlight the Into Incumbency course which is attempting to be everything a new incumbent might need to know in their first year. Experienced clergy are also welcome to book into any individual session as a refresher, and other members of the leadership team are also welcome if there is something particular that would be useful.
Every course and event says who it is aimed at, but if you’re not sure please contact the department of Mission and Ministry. Email the Mission and Ministry team.
All diocesan events are offered free for this year. Events offered by other organisations may have a small charge. If there is something you need which is not advertised please email the Mission and Ministry department. Email the Mission and Ministry team.
There are longer leadership courses available – please email the Director of Mission and Ministry if this is something you would like to explore. Email Ian Bussell.
Constructive feedback is always welcome – please email the Mission and Ministry department with any suggestions or requests. Email the Mission and Ministry team.