Reflective Practice Groups

Reflective Practice Groups for clergy have been running in the Exeter Diocese since 2007 and feedback by those who use them consistently show that they are a highly valued and effective form of ongoing ministerial development and pastoral support.

Some of the issues addressed include:

  • Difficult pastoral issues and concerns
  • Handling change and conflict in a leadership role
  • Handling relational and group dynamics in ministry
  • The interface between a public ministerial role and one’s personal life and relationships

Typically a group comprises 4 or 5 participants and a facilitator. Once again we have the possibility of offering an opportunity to experience a group for 12 sessions free of charge. Each group will run for twelve sessions at approximately fortnightly intervals during term time for 90 minutes. As the sharing of experience and mutual support are important features of the work, a high level of attendance and commitment to confidentiality is essential.

Please contact Ian Bussell if you would like to express an interest. You can Email Ian Bussell, Director of Mission and Ministry, or telephone on 01392 294903.

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