Women in Ministry

We are keen to encourage and support more women who wish to explore vocation within the Diocese of Exeter. The Rev’d Preb Samantha Stayte is the Dean of Women in Ministry. Her role is to be an advocate for the full inclusion of women in every area of ordained ministry.

Explore vocations here.

At the Diocese of Exeter we have lots of resources on our Wellbeing page to support clergy including our Clergy Menopause Policy and EDBF Dignity at Work Menopause Policy.

Get in touch

If you are a woman interested in exploring your vocation, or considering applying for a role within the Diocese of Exeter, Samantha would love to hear from you.

Email The Dean of Women in Ministry

Rev Hannah Mears is our Vocations Advisor. She meets with women and men to help them explore their calling. She would love to hear from you. Email Hannah

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