The Spirituality Devon Group

The Spirituality Devon Group aims to nurture Christian spirituality in Devon through training, supporting others in their ministry and enabling personal growth.

This is done through

  • training for Spiritual Directors, i.e those who accompany others on their spiritual journey
  • support for those offering spiritual direction with regular Study Days and Quiet Days
  • supervision for those accompanying others
  • raising awareness of safeguarding and making regular training opportunities available for Spiritual Directors

If you are looking for someone to accompany you on your spiritual journey, get in touch with the Spiritual Direction Referral Service, email Demelza or phone 01395 272243

If you would like to find out more about supervision, either in a one-to-one session, or as part of a supervision group, contact Judy, either by email or mobile 07971 893334.

For further information about the spirituality and spiritual direction course email Michael

The Spirituality Devon Group reports to the Diocesan Worship, Prayer and Spirituality Group chaired by Bishop Jackie.

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