Common Tenure
Common Tenure – a Guide for Clergy
Clergy who hold office under Common Tenure are entitled to a written Statement of Particulars setting out the obligations and rights of office holders conferred by The Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Measure 2009 and The Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Regulations 2009. Further information can be found at:
The Statement of Particulars is supported by the Diocese of Exeter Clergy Terms and Conditions of Service in the Clergy Handbook.
The Diocese of Exeter Clergy Handbook
To support clergy in their ministry, the Diocese has created a Clergy Handbook which falls into two parts:
Clergy Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook 2024 amplify the details set out in the Statements of Particulars which each Diocese must give to clergy under the Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Regulations 2009. They form part of the legal framework within which clergy work under Common Tenure.
The Bishop’s Guidelines: June 2020 for the Ordained Ministry distil good practice and set out a supportive framework for ministry to help clergy understand better the obligations and responsibilities they each have as office holders. Some of their content is contained in Canon Law, Measures and Acts of Parliament. They are addressed principally to clergy, but they will be useful to Readers and Licensed Lay Workers as well.
Permission to Officiate (PtO)
Some retired clergy hold Permission to Officiate (PtO), others do not. These guidelines aim to clarify the ministry which clergy with PtO and clergy without PtO are permitted to undertake in the Diocese.
Information for priests over 70