Lay Commissioned Roles
Do you feel called to a specific ministry in your local church? And want to support your community in mission?
The Diocese of Exeter is partnering with a variety of well established organisations to help equip and enable the local church in mission. We hope that through the delivery of high quality training, tried and tested resources, and mission funding, local commissioned leaders and volunteers will feel supported and valued by the church today.
Maybe you have a passion for leading or supporting children’s work, or would like to give more time for youth work. Maybe you feel a calling to be an evangelist, or maybe try out new mission activities through innovative and creative methods. Maybe you are a registered nurse and would like to take on the role of a parish nurse from your home church; or support your church with eco enabling and mission in God’s creation. There are many different ministries, and many gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit. As we consider our own purpose and passion in the life of the church we hope you might find the help and backing to flourish right here in the Church of England in Devon.
- Calling
Those exploring a call to ministry are encouraged to speak to their Incumbent, Vicar, or Priest, and through meeting and praying together discern what the Spirit might be inviting you to undertake. The training offered is in place to help everyone discover and exercise their gifts in a supportive environment. Those already serving are affirmed in their current ministries. All lay commissioned leaders should feel equipped to serve with confidence. At baptism and confirmation, Christians are commissioned to share the good news of Jesus Christ through their words and actions, and to seek and serve Christ in all people. Lay Commissioned Leaders for our Mission Communities helps every disciple fulfil this calling within their local communities.
Step 1: Prayer
It goes without saying, but the first step when considering a lay commissioned leadership role in your church is to pray. Here is an example of a prayer that you can use when starting out:
Lord God, I come before you with a heart open to your will. I desire to know your plan for my life and to serve you faithfully.
Guide me as I explore my gifts and talents, and help me to understand how you might use them in your kingdom.
Help me to be honest with myself about my motivations and desires.
Grant me wisdom and discernment as I seek your guidance through prayer, scripture, and the counsel of others.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Step 2: Talk it through with your Vicar, Incumbent or Lay Minister (LLM)
It is always important to talk through your calling with whomever is leading the Mission Community, fresh expression or parish church. As you meet you might like to consider the topics outlined in this document. Lay Commissioned Leaders are typically commissioned for three years and will receive support from within a ‘Community of Practice’, and through your Working Agreement (example) you have with your church.
Step 3: Naming the role. 1 Cor 12:5 ‘There are many different kinds of service, but the same Lord.’
The Diocese of Exeter has training and resources available to support the following ministries in your local church:
1. Growing Faith Leader for Youth and Families
2. Growing Faith Leader for Children and Families
3. Lay Leader of Evangelism and Mission
4. Lay Commissioned Pioneer
5. Anna Chaplain
6. Parish Nurse
- Training and Commissioning
Prior to commissioning, lay leaders and volunteers will undertake the new revised Foundations course. Foundations is the introductory course for everyone in the Diocese of Exeter who is exploring their vocation (both lay and ordained). The course is designed to help people grow in their discipleship, and flourish as part of the Church.
Specialist Training
In addition to Foundations those wishing to be commissioned will receive specialist training. This is usual delivered in a hybrid/in person method as a short course. Each course is slightly different in terms of time and commitment required.
- GFL Youth and Families: 10 sessions of about 1hr 30mins delivered through Youthscape Essentials.
- GFL Children and Families: 8 sessions 2hrs each with in person graduation in Cambridge. Ridley Hall Cambridge Catalyst Training
- Lay Leader of Evangelism and Mission: Option 1 (Evangelist) – Church Army Envoy evangelism training – 24 weeks 2hrs each.
- Lay Leader of Evangelism and Mission: Option 2 (Missioner) – Mission Shed x 4 – 4 full days over 12 months.
- Lay Leader of Evangelism and Mission: Option 3 (Pioneer) – CMS Certificate in Pioneer Mission 6 weekends over 12 months.
- Anna Chaplaincy: BRF training 6 sessions over zoom
- Parish Nurse: Parish Nursing Training two online training sessions and in person residential
- Lay School Chaplaincy: training coming soon
Safeguarding Training
Since these roles are leadership positions in the context of your Mission Community and the Church of England, it is crucial that before you are commissioned you undertaken the necessary safeguarding training, and have undertaken the appropriate level of check against the ‘Disclosure and Barring Service’. The Church of England is committed to promoting a safe environment and culture for children, young people and vulnerable adults.
You will be expected to work within the policy and procedures of the relevant safeguarding policies and attend all required safeguarding training. Please take time to familiarise yourself with the following safeguarding policy documents before completing your application:
- Promoting a Safer Church Policy Document 2017
- A summary of the Church of England’s Safeguarding Principles
- Safer Environment and Activities 2019
If you should need to contact someone about the Church of England’s safeguarding requirements and best practice, or if you have a concern regarding safeguarding in relation to your role you may wish to speak to a member of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.
Role Descriptions
- Growing Faith Leader for Children and Families
- Growing Faith Leader for Youth and Families
- Lay Leader of Evangelism and Mission [inc. Pioneer]
- Anna Chaplaincy
Application Forms
- Growing Faith Leader for Children and Families
- Growing Faith Leader for Youth and Families
- Lay Leader of Evangelism and Mission [inc. Pioneer]
- Anna Chaplaincy
Template Working Agreement – download here