
It often seems that Youth Work is like marmite. You either love it or hate it. It is either the answer to all our churches problems or the beginning of all our complaints. We often get frustrated when we hear it said that young people are the future of the church because we feel that somehow we don’t matter anymore. It turns out, a lot of young people don’t want to be part of the future of the church either, they want to be a part of the church now. Rather than worrying about finding enough bean bags, getting the money together for the latest games console, or worrying about how to handle the trouble makers, let’s ask where they can fit in and what changes we can make to help that happen!

Through this page you can review our online resource database and access a wide range of documents that support and enable good practice and safeguarding in your youth work. If you would like to be kept up to date with goings on in the world of youth work in Devon, please sign up to our newsletter.

docuLynx_resourceLibraryBig-Jan16As well as offering free training and consultation across the diocese, the Resources Library is a virtual juke box of all our resources. This online database is not just a list of titles, but the cover art, reviews, and back cover description of all our books. It will also let you know whether they are available or not.

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