Net Zero Grants
As the journey towards Net Zero 2030 continues we expect there to be further funding streams made available. To make sure that you are eligible for funding opportunities we strongly suggest that you take the below steps:
- register for Eco Church and be working towards the awards
- complete the Energy Footprint Tool annually when submitting your parish return (EFT due to open again in 6th Jan 25)
- have at least a basic Net Zero Carbon Action Plan in place. (A church energy audit or a self-guided audit following the Practical Path to Net Zero is acceptable)
- either already be on a Renewable Energy Tariff, or commit to changing at your next contract renewal
Give 2 Go Green – Now open for applications
This is a match funding grant to help churches and church halls install measures that reduce their carbon emissions, fundraising you undertake will be matched by the Church of England up to £10,000. This time around there will be NO MINIMUM GRANT SIZE so even if you just want to raise a few hundred and have it doubled, for simple measures like heated seat cushions, you can do so.
I cannot stress strongly enough what a great opportunity this is to access funds from the the national church to make your church warmer and more energy efficient. Please do not be put off by the online giving element, our giving team are hear to help you get set up and are used to dealing with even the most rural and unconnected sites!
CLICK HERE for to read the brochure for full details – The application form can be accessed here – Give to Go Green Application Form
You can read here about the round 1 pilot which the Diocese of Exeter took part in you can read about the experience churches had in round 1 here – Give To Go Green follow up interview
What can be funded?
- Carbon-cutting projects in churches and church halls.
- Eligible measures from the Practical Path to Net Zero.
- Eg: quick win projects to improve heating efficiency, fixing broken windows, heated seat cushions, solar PV (if you’ve done other efficiency measures), insulation, electrical upgrades, LED lights, pew heaters, draught proofing etc. A list of eligible measures can also be found in the Project Pack
- Other measures not on the list can be considered, if it has been recommended for your church to reduce energy and carbon.
Please note if your project will require a faculty or planning permission it will be very challenging to complete this in the required time. Please speak to the Church Buildings Office as early as possible to find out what permissions you will need.
What do you need to do?
- Read the Project pack
- Set up a small project team, and set up a Give A Little account if you don’t have one.
- Think about your project, ideally you’ll need to get three quotes (or for items on parish buying just use the list price) – but if you have a good project and only estimated costs please consider applying. If you have an independent energy audit you can use the cost estimates from here unless they differ substantially from the other quotes. You can also use the Sensible Cost Assumptions document.
- Have a conversation with the Church Buildings office to check if/what permissions your proposed project requires – faculty (if required) does not need to be fully in place at point of application but applications from churches who haven’t been in contact with the church buildings team are unlikely to be accepted.
- Submit your application form by – Date 26th January 2025 to be assessed for Phase One dates or by 16th March for Phase Two
- Attend the onboarding webinars and plan your fundraising campaigns – further information can be found here – Webinar details
- Run your 6 week fundraising campaign between 23rd March – 29th June 2025 (Phase One) or 17th May – 28th September 2025 (Phase Two)
- Deliver your project and spend the grant within 12 months of receiving it.
In Round 1 we ran a webinar sharing more information about Give 2 Go Green and answering any questions about it. Click here to watch the webinar.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Sarah Charker about eligibility and projects. eco@exeter.anglican.org
Phil Whitlock for questions about online giving. philip.whitlock@exeter.anglican.org
Demonstrator Projects
The Church of England has announced funding for 100 churches for feasibility work and capital funding for net zero Demonstrator projects.
The Demonstrators project aims to enable, inspire, and inform. It will offer a group of selected churches and church halls of different building types, ages, usage, and geography a tailored package of technical support, fundraising support, planning/faculty support, and up to 25% of capital funding, to enable these ‘demonstrator’ churches around the country to achieve Net Zero Carbon. The funding is from the Church Commissioners Net Zero Carbon triennium funding.
Expressions of interest for this are now closed but we will add further updates here as appropriate.