Buildings and Land (Clergy Housing and glebe)

The Property Services Department is responsible for clergy housing and glebe land, and provides advice on the maintenance of churches, supports the Governing Bodies of VA Church Schools and Academies on building matters and acts on behalf of EDBF Ltd in relation to PCC Property.

Below you will find information on each of these areas as well as contact details for further advice.

Churches and Churchyards

The Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches (DAC) helps congregations to manage their buildings so that they provide a safe and welcoming environment for worship and mission.

Further information about the DAC

Clergy Housing

Clergy houses are not just bases for ministry, they are homes. The Property Services department is responsible for the maintenance, repair and improvement of over 300 houses within the diocese and, where necessary arranges for the sale and replacement of houses no longer suitable.

Housing Policy Information

EDBF Housing Maintenance, Repair & Improvement Policy

In the event of a problem at a clergy house please contact the Property Services Department on 01392 294954. The phone call will be re-directed outside of normal working hours.

The department has a list of approved Contractors. If you wish to be considered for inclusion on this list please contact the property team.

Glebe Land

The glebe land of a parish once belonged, by right of his office, to the incumbent of that parish as part of his support. He could either use the land himself or let it out and use the rental income. The Endowment and Glebe Measure 1976 changed that and the income raised on this land now goes to the Diocesan Board of Finance and is used to help pay clergy stipends across the diocese.

The management of glebe land is undertaken by an external agent. The Property Services Department works closely with the agent in relation to strategic glebe matters. The agent for all glebe in the Diocese of Exeter is:

Rebecca Heal

Savills, Sterling Court, 17 Dix’s Field , Exeter, EX1 1QA
Tel : 01392 455700

PCC Property

Under the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956 PCCs cannot own property or land. Instead the property is vested in the Exeter Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd as custodian trustee with the PCC being managing trustee. The custodian trustee needs to consent to any disposal or sale, and for further information please see the link below:

Procedure for sale of PCC Property

The EDBF as custodian trustee is not responsible for or concerned with the upkeep of buildings & this is the responsibility of the PCC as managing trustee.

School Buildings

The condition of the learning environment can make a huge difference to a child’s experience of school and how well they learn. The schools buildings team provides support to the VA schools and Academies in the diocese regarding all matters involving premises.

Further information about School Buildings and the School Buildings Team


Property Services Department
The Old Deanery
Telephone: 01392 294954
Email Property Services

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