Treasurer Training
Parish Treasurer Training Days 2025
We have now completed our Parish Treasurer Training days for 2024 but will be holding more in 2025. Please watch this space for further details.
In the meantime, if you are a new treasurer please get in touch with Lizzy Anderson to receive a copy of our New Treasurer Pack which has guidance to get you started!
Our annual training days are designed for recently appointed parish treasurers, but all parish treasurers and anyone else involved in parish finance is welcome. We cover the key areas that you are likely to be asked to deal with in your role as a Parish Treasurer:
- Role of a treasurer
- Principles of accounts
- Annual report and Financial Statements (Receipts and Payments)
- Budgeting
- Systems for record keeping
- Independent examination
- Gift aid and GASDS
- Grants and Listed Places of Worship Scheme
- Employment issues
- Trusts
- Parish Giving Scheme
- Statutory fees
Please use the form below to book your place on the above events, selecting your chosen event(s) from the drop-down lists.
- Please enter your name, telephone number, email, parish and parish position as a minimum.
- As we will be providing lunch and refreshments, please enter any dietary requirements (where applicable) or access needs into the ‘Special Requirements’ box.
- Please complete the sum at the bottom of the form before pressing ‘Book’. This allows us to verify that your booking is genuine.
- Please note that events will disappear from the drop-down lists as they become fully booked.
- You should receive an email confirming your booking. Sometimes there can be a delay before the email is sent out or it may go into your spam folder. Please do get in touch if you do not receive a confirmation email.
booking form
In the meantime If you have any questions or would like further details then please email us and we will be able to advise you.
PCC Accounts and Return of Parish Finance
We have prepared sample sets of accounts which show everything that needs to be included to comply with The Charity Commission’s statutory requirements for a parish preparing its accounts on a Receipts and Payments or on an accruals basis.
Treasurer Training Workbook
You will be given a workbook to accompany the training sessions. Useful pages from the 2023 workbook are included here:
Appendix A – Cash handling procedures (Page 1)
Appendix A – Continued collection sheets (Page 2)
Appendix H – Statement of Terms of Employment (Pages 18 to 23)
Appendix I – Employment Contract for Church Organist (Pages 24 to 36)
Appendix J – Sample Volunteer Agreement (Pages 37 to 38)
Appendix M – Gift Aid Declaration (Page 45)
Appendix N – GASDS Record sheet (Page 46)
Appendix O – Statutory Fees 2024 (Pages 47 to 48)
Appendix O – Wedding Fees two part 2024 (Pages 49 to 50)
Appendix Q – 2023 Return of Parish Finance (Pages 53 to 55)
Appendix S – 12a-GASDS-single-church-parishes (Pages 60 to 64)
Appendix T – 12b-GASDS-multi-church-parishes (Pages 65 to 69)