Mission Shed

Mission Sheds are back! 
Mission Sheds are gatherings that help share resources, good practice, good news, and good ideas among churches and individuals. hey Designed to help us go further and deeper with particular topics of mission. Topics include:  worship, growing faith, evangelism, rural mission, social transformation, intention (mission action planning), multiplication, and pioneering and fresh expressions. The Mission Shed Curriculum will run over a two-year period and will include 8 gatherings across all four archdeaconries. Each Mission Shed event will also contribute to a pathway for training for those who feel a calling toward becoming a ‘leader of mission’ in their church, mission community or deanery.

The Mission Shed vision is to:

  • To share good practice among individuals and mission communities on priority areas of mission.
  • To provide high-quality mission resources to support the mission of our parish churches and church schools.
  • To encourage innovation in mission that leads to new and growth of existing worshipping communities.
  • To provide a learning community where ‘leaders of mission’ (lay and ordained) are assisted, enouraged and supported in their missional leadership.
  • Enable intentional learning together (Missional learning communities) – prayer, church planting, discipleship, evangelism etc.
    • Mission shaped Initiation – encourage calling out of individuals and potential teams
    • Mission shaped ministry – training or lay leaders and teams
    • Mentoring / Coaching for teams and leaderAccompany – ‘
  • travel’ alongside and with others seeking to develop and grow
  • To deliver a curriculum of learning (and support) that will help support equip and assist with the training of Lay Missioners.
  • To provide a regular opportunity to discuss and share ideas for mission through a variety of topics, and in different parts of the diocese, for anyone who wants to come.
  • To inspire mission communities and church schools to think more intentionally and collaboratively toward mission, community engagement and evangelism.

For more Mission Shed updates, check out our Facebook page which can be found here

‘Leaders of Mission’ (Lay Missioners and Evangelists)
The Mission Shed Curriculum will run over a two-year period (rolling) and will include 8 gatherings each intending to focus on a specific area or aspect of ‘mission’. Each gathering will represent a module of learning which will sit alongside the ‘Foundations’ theological training for lay commissioned roles within the diocese. Mission Sheds will continue to be an important part of how we raise up and send, equip and encourage future leaders of mission in the church. If you would like more information about becoming a commissioned ‘leader of mission’ in your mission community or parish church then please be in touch with the Diocesan Mission Enabler jeremy.putnam@exeter.anglican.org

Upcoming Events

Mission Shed – Rural Mission

There will be a number of interactive workshops covering the following topics; Rural Schools and Mission, re-imagine rural and multi-parish ministry, Loneliness and Caring for Creation as a Mission Field.  To take part in these exciting and informative workshops please go to Eventbrite ticket booking

Mission Shed – Growing Faith

Growing Faith is the movement that exists to put children, young people and families instinctively at the heart of all the mission and ministry of the Church by changing the culture of the Church of England. Our September 2024 Mission Shed focuses on the missional opportunities that emerge when working collaboratively with church schools, and when drawing upon the intergenerational nature of our church communities. Speakers will include Paul Friend from South West Youth Ministries and Michael Moynagh from Fresh Expressions, alongside workshops by Youth Alpha, the Exeter Diocesan Education team, and Sharon Blyth (Childrens and Families Mission Enabler).

Mission Shed – Evangelism

Our main speaker on the topic of Evangelism for our Mission Shed in November will be Revd Chris Russell, Advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury on evangelism & witness. Chris Russell’s most recent book ‘Yearning for the fast and endless sea’ makes a timely and inspiring case for Christian evangelism. With a impassioned invitation to the church to be inspired by the Good News itself, and find joy in challenging times to share the Gospel.

Past events

February 2024 – Whole Church Worship
Sara and Sam Hargreaves from Engage Worship explain the concept of Whole Church Worship and offer encouragement to ‘find what you already have in your church, even if it is just you!” They were speaking to Diocese of Exeter Communications Director, Chloe Axford, at the Mission Shed gathering on worship. Find out more here: https://engageworship.org/ and https://exeter.anglican.org/resources…Mission Shed Newsletter – Feb 2024
Includes many of the resources shared at the Mission Shed event held in Abbotsbury Church.  Click here to download.
April 2019 – Mission Shed Central
Mission Shed Central at St Andrew’s Church, Cullompton.
October 2016 – Mission Shed West Devon
This video shares the original intention and vision behind Mission Sheds. The vision still remains today.