Mission Shed

Mission Sheds are back! 
Mission Sheds are gatherings that help share resources, good practice, good news, and good ideas among churches and individuals.  They  are designed to help us go further and deeper with particular topics of mission. Topics include:  worship, growing faith, evangelism, rural mission, social transformation, intention (mission action planning), multiplication, and pioneering and fresh expressions. The Mission Shed Curriculum will run over a two-year period and will include 8 gatherings across all four archdeaconries. Each Mission Shed event will also contribute to a pathway for training for those who feel a calling toward becoming a ‘leader of mission’ in their church, mission community or deanery.

The Mission Shed vision is to:

  • To share good practice among individuals and mission communities on priority areas of mission.
  • To provide high-quality mission resources to support the mission of our parish churches and church schools.
  • To encourage innovation in mission that leads to new and growth of existing worshipping communities.
  • To provide a learning community where ‘leaders of mission’ (lay and ordained) are assisted, enouraged and supported in their missional leadership.
  • Enable intentional learning together (Missional learning communities) – prayer, church planting, discipleship, evangelism etc.
    • Mission shaped Initiation – encourage calling out of individuals and potential teams
    • Mission shaped ministry – training or lay leaders and teams
    • Mentoring / Coaching for teams and leaderAccompany – ‘
  • travel’ alongside and with others seeking to develop and grow
  • To deliver a curriculum of learning (and support) that will help support equip and assist with the training of Lay Missioners.
  • To provide a regular opportunity to discuss and share ideas for mission through a variety of topics, and in different parts of the diocese, for anyone who wants to come.
  • To inspire mission communities and church schools to think more intentionally and collaboratively toward mission, community engagement and evangelism.

For more Mission Shed updates, check out our Facebook page which can be found here

Upcoming Events

Mission Shed – Pioneering (8th March) Exeter

Jesus the Pioneer of Pioneers
Come and look at Jesus through a fresh set of lenses: Jesus is ‘the pioneer and perfector of our faith’ (Hebrews 12:2). What does that mean for us as we seek to reach a wider range of people in our parishes with the gospel? A morning of discussion on how to start stuff in the flow of the Holy Spirit and in partnership with the local community, finding out what God is doing in your neighbourhood and joining in. Learn how the church can be guest and host at the same time and open space for faith conversations to arise naturally. Our main speaker in the morning is the Revd Tina Hodget. Tina is a pioneer, teacher, speaker and leader with a reputation for inspiring hope and drawing whole congregations into a kind of mission ‘with a twinkle in its eye’. She learned to recognise and appreciate different cultures studying German and Russian in-country, and after an early career in secondary education now leads the CMS Southwest Hub which trains lay people in the postures and practices of pioneer mission through creativity and play. Tina was a parish priest in Portishead, planing small new congregations there; she is co-author of the Pioneer Spectrum and birthed the Pioneer Project in the Diocese of Bath and Wells. She is one of the creators of Pioneering Parishes – a small start-up training organisation funded by the Church of England for church leaders wanting to learn how to shift the energy of the local church outwards in order to invite a wider range of people into the life of the kingdom of God.

Past events

February 2024 – Whole Church Worship
Sara and Sam Hargreaves from Engage Worship explain the concept of Whole Church Worship and offer encouragement to ‘find what you already have in your church, even if it is just you!” They were speaking to Diocese of Exeter Communications Director, Chloe Axford, at the Mission Shed gathering on worship. Find out more here: https://engageworship.org/ and https://exeter.anglican.org/resources…Mission Shed Newsletter – Feb 2024
Includes many of the resources shared at the Mission Shed event held in Abbotsbury Church.  Click here to download.
April 2019 – Mission Shed Central
Mission Shed Central at St Andrew’s Church, Cullompton.
October 2016 – Mission Shed West Devon
This video shares the original intention and vision behind Mission Sheds. The vision still remains today.



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