Parish Giving Scheme

Regular giving – the only ways it used to be

Traditionally, most churches have operated schemes to support regular giving based on numbered envelopes (for giving by cash or cheque), or by donors setting up Standing Orders. In both cases, for donors wishing to gift-aid their donations, a paper gift aid declaration was required which then has to be physically stored, and manually actioned by the Treasurer/Gift Aid Officer.

And then comes … the Parish Giving Scheme

In 2016, the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) was introduced, which offered all the donor-perceived benefits of these two methods (e.g. for envelopes, a degree of anonymity; for Standing Orders, automated transfer of money to the PCC’s account) through a simple joining procedure – but with the additional benefits of being able (by simply ticking a box) to

  • Gift-aid transactions without completing a paper form
  • Opt to donate completely anonymously (even the Treasurer does not see your name)

In addition, regular donors can choose (or not) to have their donations increased, on the anniversary of joining PGS, by the rate of inflation. For some donors (e.g. those who want to review their giving periodically but simply forget), this is real attraction. There is no obligation (it’s a simple opt-in tick box on the joining form or the equivalent web-page); and each year, a reminder is sent by PGS a month in advance, detailing the new amount, and giving the opportunity for the donor to opt out (i.e. not have the increase applied); alter the proposed new amount value; or just let it stand. Outside of this mechanism, at any time it’s possible to cancel the donation or vary it, by phone call or on-line. Sampled statistics suggest that about 45% of PGS joiners choose inflation-increase option when first registering.

PGS Resources 

Why is the inflationary increase important?

One of the biggest problems faced by local churches is that of ‘static giving’. If giving levels had kept track with inflation since the year 2000, they would have increased by more than 50%!

A unique feature of the scheme is the option for you, as a giver, to commit in principle to increase your gift annually in line with inflation. While this is a voluntary decision, it is one that could potentially have a huge impact on the life and future of your church. The donor can change this commitment at any time, either by log-in to his/her website account, or simply by contacting the PGS team.

Once the donor has set up his/her giving account and details, the stipulated amount is taken by Direct Debit on the 1st of the month within each giving period (month, quarter, year); and 9 days later the PCC receives it in its bank account.

For the church, there are equally valuable benefits:

  • This is a self-service method of giving – the Treasurer or Gift Aid officer need not be involved at all (apart from explaining details of how to connect with PGS to set up the donation)
  • On the 10th of the month, the PCC receives a single consolidated amount, being the total of all the donations that were made in that month.
  • Normally within the same month, the gift aid on all relevant transactions is deposited in the PCC account as one lump sum. The Treasurer/Gift Aid officer makes no claim for the gift aid, and for many churches which are unable to lodge monthly claims, cash flow improves significantly
  • The Treasurer receives a monthly report detailing all the donations, and showing any gift aid. Donor names are only shown for those givers who choose not to remain anonymous.
  • There is no charge to the church for using this scheme, and no fees are deducted from the donations

Joining PGS

The parish

Before individual donors can set up their individual PGS accounts and start making donations, the church has to register. This requires a simple resolution passed by the PCC; the completion and signing of a registration form (available from the links below1); and proof of the church’s bank account, e.g. a blank paying in slip. Further details can be viewed at

1Links to parish registration forms

Single Church registration Multiple churches registration Guidance notes for electronically signing PGS forms

Please ensure all sections are completed in full (except the PGS code – this will be added by us before the registration).  The name of the Parish/Church should be a maximum of 30 characters (including spaces).  The bank account details provided should be those of the main PCC bank account, and should be evidenced by either a paying in slip (if posting your form to us) or a scan or photograph (if you are emailing the form to us).

If you are unable to gather physical or electronic signatures we recommend the PCC treasurer signs the form and returns to us by email.  The other two signatories may indicate their approval by emailing directly

When the registration is complete, please let us know how many donor packs you would like, for those who do not want to sign up by telephone or online.

The donors

Once the Treasurer has received confirmation that the church’s PGS account is live, donors can register themselves to give. This can be via

  • paper ‘Gift Form’ – available from the PGS parish representative
  • the PGS telephone service on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm
  • the PGS website

Further details can be viewed at

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